martedì 1 ottobre 2013

Washington Dc parte 3: Itinerari..Itineraries



1) Partire da Capitol Hillà National Mall (Smithsonian Institution), vedete un paio di musei, se vi interessa, lasciate i parchi per la sera à
2) in serata : canali di Georgetown (da Wisconsyn Avenue andate fino in fondo e vi trovate i canali sulla destra à passeggiata sotto sequoia (ristorante) fino all’ambasciata di Svezia, proseguite sul fiume e vedrete da lontano il Kennedy Center e arrivate al
3)Lincon Memorialà Reflecting Poolà Washington Monument
4)CENA all’Old Ebbit Grill (vedi risto downtown)

1)Chinatown , poi proseguite su F Stret (negozi)
2)Casa Bianca,
3)Memoriali (corea, vietnam)
Dupont, poi a Nord fino Adams Morgan (mangiare: Famosissima la “jumbo Pizza” (4$ per una fetta enorme…) la fanno in vari posti, poi prendete un drink da Perry’s)

In serata andate verso 14 th street ( a Nord, dall’incrocio con la M in poi) dalle 6 in poi, miriadi di HH e bar e localià cenate sulla 14
1) Svoltate a U street per la vita notturna
2)OPPURE giro IN ZONA TIDAL BASIN (se non vi interessano bar e locali) : da 17th andate in basso, continuate fino al Jefferson memorial à Franklin Roosevelt Memorial, Martin Luther King Memorial (molto bello, con frasi dai suoi discorsi scritte sui muri)


1) Starting from Capitol Hill -->National Mall (Smithsonian InstitutionS), see a couple of museums,
2) in the evening: channels Georgetown (Wisconsyn Avenue to go to the bottom and you will find the channels on the right walk under sequoia (restaurant) to the Embassy of Sweden, 
3) Lincon Memorial Reflecting Pool   Washington Monument
4) DINNER Old Ebbit Grill (see restaurant downtown)

DAY 2:
1) Chinatown, then head of F Stret (shops)
2) White House
3) Memorials (korea, vietnam)
Dupont, then north to Adams Morgan (options: the Famous "Jumbo Pizza" ($ 4 for a huge slice ...) make it in various places, then take a drink from Perry's)

In the evening go towards 14 th street (north, from the intersection with the M onwards) from 6pm tons of  HH and bar and dine on local  14
1) Turn U street for nightlife
2) OR if you re not that interested in HH...go for a walk around the TIDAL BASIN (if you are not interested and local bar): from 17th head down, drive to the Jefferson memorial  Franklin Roosevelt Memorial, Martin Luther King Memorial (very nice, with phrases from his speeches written on the walls )

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